Save Our Culture - Cultural Conservation

Without realizing it, we have a culture of conservation efforts through the activities of our visit to the location of the village tourism attraction presents some traditional cultural art.
Especially in the era of globalization which tends to sometimes leave things conventional. To maintain the existence of art and culture as a treasury of wealth archipelago, self-reliance groups develop VILLAGES WE Cikidang Tourism Village concept of integrated inter and inter sector. Daily activities ranging from community, arts attractions to provision of accommodation. Accommodation options can be at the hotel at Lembang, nor even a homestay can be an alternative that can be selected

Not complete it, when visiting the Village Tour Cikidang, without feeling a peculiar Liwet Lembang Rice combined with chilli paste and salted fish. You can be involved in the manufacturing process, if you want.

Snack corn on the cob and bandrek ........?
Cold air in Lembang, would increase your appetite.

Well, it looks like a visit to Kampung Tour Cikidang, you indirectly have been doing charity and conservation activities.

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